
The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Haddon Robinson’s widely used and influential text, Biblical Preaching, has influenced generations of students and preachers. In The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching, trusted leading evangelical homileticians, teachers of preaching, and experienced pastors show that Robinson’s “big idea” approach to expository preaching still works in today’s diverse cultures and fast-paced world. ...

Genesis narrates our origins as God’s people. The book traces humanity’s story with God from its origin in God’s spoken word that initiates and completes creation. The story moves through our first ancestors’ disobedience to God and their consequent exile from God’s presence. Once outside God’s garden, humanity immediately finds itself mired in sin. Murder, shame, and immorality begin to abound in the story of God’s once perfect world. From the first
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